Year Round School?
Would you being willing to try all year around school? There are many pros and cons to this, but could it be better than what we are doing now? You would go to school the same amount of days, you would just go to school for a month to a month and a half then have a 2 week break. You would still get all your breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc, This pro and cons list will give some examples of why it would be good for your school district or why it wouldn’t be a good choice.
Eliminating any sort of long break from school can improve a child's academic achievement
Long summers cause a “summer slide” or the loss of academic knowledge over a long period of time
You would have more breaks during the school year, instead of just one long 10-12 weeks of summer break
The effect it can have on your family, makes it hard to have quality family time
Teachers don’t get their long summer break after an intense year
Getting experience that will help in the classroom during the summer
Elementary and middle school might not be on break the same time as high school
Having all year around school has good pros but the cons are something to think about too. If your family goes on vacations during the summer, all year round schooling might not be a good choice. Having all year round school would be better for kids because you don’t lose all the information you learned over the school year. Both sides make sense, but which one makes the student more academically educated? That is what we are most focused on.